Liggett Nicholas Crim

(January 21, 1900 - February 3, 1989)


In 1930, 30 year-old Crim is Cashier of the Bank.

In 1940, 40 year-old Crim is retired and living in a $100,000 home.

He has a second occupation as owner of The Crim Theater.

All these Crims belong to one family.
J. Malcolm, and John T[hompson]. are L. N.'s brothers. John C[onnally]. & Reuben H. Crim are L. N.'s cousins,
as is Alleyn (variously Allien & Aline), sons and daughter of Wiley N., the paternal uncle.
Lou Della is his mother and the source of the family fortune:

" During the Great Depression of the 1930's, Kilgore was an agricultural and lumbering town with a population of 500. Discovery of oil on two nearby farms belonging to Daisy Bradford and Lou Della Crim made Kilgore a "boomtown" with thousands of people flocking to the area to find jobs and a share of the wealth ensued." (
