The First National Bank of Tyler (#3651) "printed $150,920 dollars worth of national currency ...This national bank opened in 1887 [March 21] and stopped printing money in 1896 ... The First National Bank Of Tyler issued 1 single type and denomination of national currency ... [It] printed 7,546 sheets of $5 1882 brown back national bank notes ... You can take the total number of sheets printed and multiply that number by four to get the exact number of 1882 $5 brown back bank notes this bank issued." (from The National Bank Note Census census reports four 1882 Brown Backs for this bank. None is in the Philpott-Moody Collection.

The City National Bank of Tyler (#4353) "printed $49,600 dollars worth of national currency ... This national bank opened in 1890 and stopped printing money in 1896 ... During its life, The City National Bank Of Tyler issued 2 different types and denominations of national currency ... [It] issued 992 sheets of $10 1882 brown back national bank notes ... There were three $10 bills printed on a single sheet of 1882 brown backs ... The City National Bank ... printed 992 sheets of $20 1882 brown back national bank notes ... the sheet output is the same for $20 brown backs as it is for $10 brown backs. There was only one $20 brown back printed on a sheet. So the sheet output also equals the total note output." (from The Kelly census reports a single large note for this bank, a 1882 Brown Back, that is in the Philpott-Moody Collection.

The Tyler National Bank (#4747) "printed $52,800 dollars worth of national currency ... This national bank opened in 1892 [June 1] and stopped printing money in 1898 ... During its life, The Tyler National Bank Of Tyler issued 2 different types and denominations of national currency ... [It] printed 352 sheets of $50 1882 brown back national bank notes ... [and] 352 sheets of $100 1882 brown back national bank notes. High denomination $50 and $100 brown backs were printed on the same sheet. So the number of sheets equals the number bills printed for each denomination." (from The bank was chartered June 6, 1892 and liquidated December 31, 1898. The Kelly census reports no known notes for this bank.

The Citizens National Bank of Tyler (Charter #5343) "The Citizens National Bank Of Tyler in Texas printed $3,811,970 dollars worth of national currency ... This national bank opened in 1900 and stopped printing money in 1935." ( The Kelly census reports 20 large notes and 46 small notes from this bank. In terms of dollar volume, this East Texas bank is second behind The First National Bank of Corsicana with $,5,814,440 and ahead of Corsicana National Bank with $2,943,080 and the The State National Bank of Corsicana with $2,692,460. In 2006, the Kelly census reported 20 large notes and 46 small. LynKnightArchives raises the number of small to 53. LynKnightArchives revises the number of large to 15 with only 2 BrownBacks.

The Jester National Bank of Tyler (#6234) "printed $325,700 dollars worth of national currency ... This national bank opened in 1902 [May 1] and stopped printing money in 1911 ... The Jester National Bank Of Tyler issued 4 different types and denominations of national currency ... [It] printed 3,000 sheets of $10 1902 red seal national bank notes ... 3,000 sheets of $20 1902 red seal national bank notes. ... 3,514 sheets of $10 1902 blue seal national bank notes. ... [and] 3,514 sheets of $20 1902 blue seal national bank notes." (from The Kelly census reports only 4 large notes for this bank, a 1902 $20 Red Seal and three 1902 Date Backs, one $10 and two $20. The $10 Date Back is in the Philpott-Moody Collection.

The Farmers and Merchants National Bank of Tyler (#7515) "printed $116,300 dollars worth of national currency ... This national bank opened in 1904 [December 16] and stopped printing money in 1907 ... During its life, The Farmers & Merchants National Bank Of Tyler issued 2 different types and denominations of national currency ... [It] issued 3,326 sheets of $10 1902 red seal national bank notes ... [ and it] printed 3,326 sheets of $20 1902 red seal national bank notes ... All 1902 red seals were printed on four note sheets. There were three ten dollar bills and one twenty dollar bill per sheet." (from The Kelly census reports one large note for this bank.

The Peoples National Bank of Tyler (#13110) "printed $783,220 dollars worth of national currency ... This national bank opened in 1927 and stopped printing money in 1935." (from The National Bank Note Census records forty-six notes from this bank: 12 1902 Plain Backs, 20 1929 Type 1's, 14 1929 Type 2's.
