The Stone Fort National Bank of Nacogdoches

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300 East Main Street

One can see off to the right, in the background, a building with lettering across the roof: "Stone Fort National Bank".
The year is 1937.

"The founders of Stone Fort Bank included Captain I. L. Sturdevant, who came by his military title by serving as an officer in the Stone Fort Rifles, a militia unit formed in Nacogdoches during the Spanish American War. Sturdevant moved to Nacogdoches as the agent of cotton factorage, and continued to operate a cotton yard long after he became a banker. He became president of the bank in 1906 and remained affiliated with it as chairman or chairman emeritus until his death in the 1950s. A merger with the Farmers and Merchants Bank in 1919 brought another leader, L. B. Mast, who eventually succeeded to the presidency and then the chairman's post until his own death. He was succeeded by Emery Monk. These three presidents oversaw operations at Stone Fort for over seven decades. " (From STONE FORT BANK by Archie P. McDonald, PhD.

Presently this ­ at the same location ­ is the avatar of the Stone Fort National Bank

This is the namesake of the Stone Fort bank.

