The First National Bank of Groveton


The First National Bank in Groveton


The First National Bank of Groveton was chartered (# 6329) July 5, 1902 and liquidated May 14, 1934. It printed $1,042,540 in 1902 Red Seals, 1902 Date Backs & Plain Backs, and 1929 Types 1 & 2, in $10 and $20 denominations. Eleven large notes and 8 small are reported for the First National Bank of Groveton.

"During the small size era the Great Depression gripped America and many banks failed ... and others reorganized. Some banks found it desirable to voluntarily liquidate and immediately reorganize. Generally this was done to strengthen the financial backing of the bank. bad loans were written off and financially weak shareholders were eased out. The reorganized bank was required to have a title differing from that of the liquidated bank even when there was no change in location. This requirement explains why so many of these reorganized banks had names that differed in the most minor way from their predecessors" (Don G. Kelly. National Bank Notes, p. 21)

The First National Bank in Groveton was chartered (#14104) in April, 1934. The First National Bank in Groveton managed to print $22,250, but only one 1929 Type 2 is listed in the Kelly census.

The FDIC webpage does not recognize The First National Bank of Groveton, but The First National Bank in Groveton is given a business address at First Street & Devine. Since The First National Bank in Groveton replaced The First National Bank of Groveton, it may have operated in the same building.

It is uncertain whether the officers of The First National Bank of Groveton continued as officers of The First National Bank in Groveton, as happened in Trinity and Kerens. There is a single note from The First National Bank in Groveton, and it does not appear in any of the archives of national notes. So that cannot be looked at, and there is no historical record of the officers of The First National Bank in Groveton as exists for
The First National Bank of Groveton.
