Striped Hairstreak

Satyrium liparops

"Hindwing with 1 long and 1 short tail. Upperside dark brown; male with a long, oval spot along forewing costa. Underside of both wings with rows of widely separated white stripes; blue spot near tails topped with orange. Outer margin of hindwing indented above short tail."

The above description is from The Tvetens describe a similar Banded Hairstreak, but that butterfly lacks the orange top to the blue spot on the hindwing, which this butterfly has. So this is not a Banded Hairstreak.

This is the Striped Hairstreak. on the Butterflies and Moths of North America webpage..

Photo taken with a Nikon D80 using a Nikon 180mm, f/2.8 manual focus lens.

April 28, 2007..