Mimosa Yellow
Eurema nise
This is a very problematic identification.
The most likely alternative is that the above is a Little Sulphur,
like the one just below, on the right
Mimosa Yellow
Little Sulphur
Eurema nise
Eurema lisa
But to my eye, they just are not
the same. The E. nise is not a normal resident
in Houston County and is at most a stray from south Texas. The
USGS site has documented it from the latitude
of Houston County, but to the west about 100 miles.
Other images of the Mimosa Yellow
can be found here,
and others of the Little Sulphur are here.
You can see a comparison of the
E. nise with other local sulphurs/yellows here.
Photograph taken with a Nikon D80,
using a Nikon 200mm, f/4 micro manual focus lens.
July 14, 2007.