Swainson's Thrush

Catharus ustulatus

Thrushes are migratory birds in Texas, and the migration periods of the Swainson's Thrush "are between early April and early June and from mid-September to early November" (The TOS Handbook of Texas Birds, p. 158.). This one was a bit late, but others were photographed on August 14th.

"... uniformly olive-brown upperparts that contain no hint of warmer reddish hues. Bright buffy cheeks and lores (the area between the bill and eye) and bold buffy-eye rings distinguish Swainson's thrush from the other three Catharus thrushes. The buffy breast is speckled with brown spots"

The Cornell Ornithological Laboratory says:

" The Swainson's Thrush is distinguished from the other spotted thrushes by its obvious eyering and buffy face."

Picture taken with a Nikon D80 using a Nikon manual focus 200mm, f/4 micro, manual focus lens.

June 30, 2007.