Ruby-Crowned Kinglet

Regulus calendula

Tveten describes and pictures the Ruby-Crowned Kinglet (283), "It is grayish above and pale dusky gray below, with a yellowish wash on the under-parts and two prominent white wing bars. A broken white eye-ring gives it a startled wide-eyed look. The ruby crown of the male is usually concealed and only in courtship or territorial defense does the agitated kinglet flare his crown feathers ... Because they feed primarily on insects, they must move south for the winter months, and it is then that they invade Texas in large numbers ... making them one of the most common of all our small perching birds during that season." This bird is also a close match to the image in Alsop's Birds of Texas, page 387.

Photo taken with a Nikon D90 with a Nikon 400mm f/5.6.

This one is posed.

November 5, 2011.