Hermit Thrush

Catharus guttatus

"Relatively heavily spotted on breast and browmish above, with contrasting reddish tail and complete eye-ring." (The Sibley Field Guide to Birds of Eastern North America, p. 316)

"This widespread and variable species is the only spotted thrush likely to be encountered in North America Nov.-Mar, often in more open, brushier habitat than other thrushes." (The Sibley Guide to Birds, p. 409)

"Deep-chested, short-tailed look, with a defined head and medium sized sturdy bill ... The only Catharus thrush to regularly winter in NAM ... Above, reddish-brown tail and uppertail coverts ... Below, fairly dense dark spots on white or pale buffy breast; throat white, flanks buffy or grayish ... Distinct white eye-ring ..." (The Stokes Field Guide to the Birds of North America, p. 560)

First noted in February, 2007.

Picture taken with a Nikon D90 using a Nikon manual focus 400mm, f/5.6 lens.

March 7, 2013.