Harris's Sparrow

Zonotrichia querula

Tveten does not picture any bird that resembles this one with its distinctive black crown, face, and bib, but he does provide this description of the Harris Sparrow (361): "Common from the Oklahoma border to the Austin area ..., it becomes less numerous both east and west of that region ... The adult has a striking black face and bib ... The seven-inch size and large pink bill also aid in identifying this biggest of the sparrows."

Lockwood & Freeman (209) note, "This species is a rare visitor to the Pineywoods in the east ..." The species has, however, been well represented in the Pineywoods here each winter. Impressionistically, there were perhaps fewer in the winter 2012-2013.

Alsop (497) writes, "This sparrow is named after Harris, one of John James Audobon's expedition partners. Where it nested was one of the great ornithological mysteries of the early 20th century ... In winter, breeding plumage is replaced by a buffy face, all or mostly black crown, black chin, and throat that varies from all black to having a white band through it. The amount of black on the winter bird is under hormonal control and signals social dominance; the more black the higher its rank in the pecking order of the flock."

Alsop additionally cites a pink-orange bill and a black auricular spot.

Picture taken with a Nikon D80 using a Nikon 400mm f/5.6, internal focus lens.

January 12, 2007.