Downy Woodpecker

Picoides pubescens

Tveten writes that this bird "... resides year-round in eastern and northern Texas ... The seven-inch downy woodpecker has a distinctive white back, white-spotted wings, and black facial stripes. The male also displays a small red patch on the back of the head. The hairy woodpecker is similarly marked and shares much of the downy's range, but it is larger and has a proportionately longer, heavier bill."

This bird lacks the red patch on the back of the head and is probably a female.

Downy woodpeckers are also have dark bars or spots on the white outer tail feathers.

"The outer tail feathers of the hairy [woodpecker] are entirely white ..." This contrasts the tail pattern of the two.

Photo taken with a Nikon D300, using a Tamron 150-600 AF lens.

November 23, 2019.