Cinnamon Teal


Anas cyanoptera

"Uncommon to rare visitor to western parts of eastern North America ... Female very similar to female Blue-winged; distinguished only by longer bill and overall warmer brown and less distinctive plumage." (David Allen Sibley, The Sibley Field Guide to Birds of Eastern North America, p. 77)

"Fairly small long-bodied duck with a long wide bill that is noticeably spatulate at tip. Bill length 1/4-1 X head length; sloping forehead leads to short rounded crown." (Donald & Lillian Stokes, The Stokes Field Guide to the Birds of North America, p. 27)

"Common migrant in the western half of the state, becoming uncommon to rare eastward." (Mark W. Lockwood & Brush Freeman, The TOS Handbook of Texas Birds, p. 7)

"Common in marshes, ponds, and lakes. Regular from eastern Great Plains south to eastern TX. " (Jon L. Dunn & Jonathan Alderfer. Field Guide to the Birds of North America, p.32)

Photo taken with a Nikon D90 using a Nikon 400mm f/5.6 manual focus lens.

July 5, 2014.