Red Curry Tofu



12 Oz. package of extra firm tofu.
3 Green onions cut into 1/4 inch pieces.
3 Tbsp satay paste.
2 Tbsp chile garlic paste
3 Tbsp soy sauce.
2+ Tbsp minced fresh ginger.
3 Garlic clove minced.
3 Tbsp chopped fresh basil.
2 Tbsp lime juice.
3 Tbsp chopped cilantro.
3 Tbsp red curry.
2 Tsp hot curry.
1 5+ Ounce cans of coconut milk.


Cut the block of tofu lengthwise through the narrow side, turn and cut along the long axis twice through the wide side. Cut crosswise every 1/4 inch to produce postage sized pieces of tofu.

Mix the satay paste and chili garlic sauce with the soy sauce and add the tofu to baste.

Add 2 to 3 tablespoons olive oil to the wok and cook the tofu. Set aside.

Add the ginger and garlic to 2 tablespoons of olive oil. Then add the chopped onion. Cook for 2 to 3 minutes.

Add the lime juice, red curry, hot curry & coconut milk. Mix and allow to simmer for 10+ minutes.

Return the tofu to the mixture. Add the cilantro and basil a few minutes after returning the tofu to the mixture and cook on low heat for 10+ minutes or so.

Monitor the tofu to make certain that it does not fall apart. It should absorb the liquid without dissolving.

Serve over jasmine rice

Serving: 2 to 3 with these amounts.


This recipe was created more or less on the model of the recipe for Green Curry Chicken.

I wanted to use satay paste and red curry. One recipe I found used peanut butter and not satay paste. If you substitute that, use about 3 tablespoons.

Tofu seems to have a bad reputation, but I have gotten my wife to actually accept it without complaint. And my daughter-in-law liked it (some leftovers) on the first try. I didn't tell her beforehand what it was. All I can do is affirm to you that it really is good. Be certain to use the extra firm (or firm, at least) tofu, or it will dissolve into mush in the wok. And treat it lightly while it is cooking in order to tear it as little as possible.

I seem to buy mostly a brand called Mori-Nu, that is packaged in a kind of cardboard. It is the right size for two servings. Some brand's containers hold more than I want to use.

My wife, who is no fan of the texture of tofu, pronounced this tasty. So if you like tofu, it ought to be pretty good.