Habanero Hot Sauce



8 or so habanero orange peppers.
Perhaps a cup of rice vinegar.
1 Container large enough to hold the ingredients. An empty ketchup bottle is good.


Wash the peppers in cold water & cut off the tops. Then quarter them.

Stuff the peppers into the container.

Add the rice vinegar.

Let the mixture sit a day or two before using. I do not refrigerate it.


The hot sauce is ideal for blackeyed peas, field peas, crowder peas, pinto beans, collard greens, or greens of any sort.

The hot sauce is surprisingly tasty. It is more than just warm, it has a taste so good that the family wants me to cook peas or greens just so that they can have the hot sauce.

In spite of the reputation that habanero peppers have for being hot, in the sauce here, they are spicey but not painful.

Still you are warned to try small amounts first in case your tolerance is low.

As you are preparing the hot sauce, you may detect an odor that pricks or burns your nose and throat. Although it may make you cough, it will be mild and it will pass.

AS ALWAYS, when you have finished working with the peppers, wash your hands immediately & thoroughly with soap and water. Do not prepare them if you have an open wound on your hand.