The First National Bank of Moulton
Moulton is in Lavaca
County, 109 miles west of Houston on IH 10 to Flatonia, then 8
miles south on TX 95.
The building beneath the arrow
is probably The First National Bank of Moulton.
Compare this current
The First National Bank of Moulton
replaced the Moulton Bank with charter number 5399 on June 4,
[The Bankers' Magazine, Vol. LX, January to June 1900]
It failed nine months, less a week,
later on January 30, 1901.
[The Commercial and Financial Chronicle, Vol. 72,
January 1 to June, 30 1901]
The First National Bank of Moulton
issued $6,250 in 1882 Brown Backs.
None is reported in the census,
although $240 is noted as "out".