The Stone Fort National Bank of Nacogdoches


This is it, the one large note from this bank. It last sold November 10, 2012, at the PCDA auction.

"A pleasing 1902 Plain Back that is the only confirmed example known from this bank. The census shows a 1902 Date Back in Good but no serial number, so is it real or from Philpot? Either way, it's never been confirmed or available. A cool bank name and a pleasing, problem free note with a clearly penned cashier's signature, while the president's appears to be missing." (LKCA Archives)

"Two different cashiers appear on small size for this uniquely named bank. This note's cashier is L.B. Mast, while other Series 1929 notes on this bank have E. W. Monk as cashier."

The faded President's signature belongs to I. Link Sturdevant.

