John Cherry Barton
(May 9, 1892 - July 2, 1945)
The above signature on the 1929
notes, out of context, is indecipherable.
Looking through the 1930 census record for Longview, scanning
the occupations for "Bank", turned up

But we do not yet know which bank nor for certain whether Barton
is in fact the name on the 1929 notes.
Checking WWI Registrations turned
up this signature for a "J. C. Barton",
who, in 1917, is Bookkeeper at the First National Bank.

By 1920, Barton has advanced to Cashier.
Barton's death certificate names
him "J. C."
But his tombstone finally identifies
him as "John Cherry 'Jack' Barton".

(Find a Grave Memorial# 12716046)