Alfred Benjamin Fontaine Kerr
(December 22, 1875 - October 7,

(Tucson Daily Citizen, October 7, 1966. P. 1)
Kerr joined The First National
Bank in 1904, but he seems to have been left almost immediately
for New Mexico. He was replaced by either John M. Boles or A.
G. Adams.
His signature appears on no notes.
By 1905, A. F. Kerr had moved West
to New Mexico, where he was Cashier of The American Nation Bank
of Silver City.
By 1910, Kerr is in El Paso as Vice-President
and Cashier of El Paso Bank & Trust Co.
In 1922, Kerr moved to Los Angeles
for 10 years before finally settling in Tucson.

(Tucson Daily Citizen, October 7, 1966. P. 1)