There were two national banks chartered in Crockett:


The First National Bank of Crockett (Charter #4684) was chartered in 1892. It printed $1,508,110 in Brown Backs, 1882 Date Backs, 1902 Date Backs, 1902 Plain Backs, and 1929 notes, Types 1 & 2, in $5's, $10's & $20's. But only 9 large and 14 small are reported in the Kelly census.


The Farmers and Merchants National Bank of Crockett (Charter #5953) was chartered August 29, 1901 and liquidated March 1, 1904. In three years, the bank managed to print $19,350 worth of 1882 Brown Backs, of which $730 were still in circulation after closure. The Kelly census cites only 3 of these notes.