Harry Frederick Moore

(December 15, 1854 - April 20, 1926)


"H. F. MOORE. As president of the First National Bank of Crockett, Texas and an executive officer in various other business organizations, Mr. Moore has for many years occupied a foremost place in the business activity of Houston county and southeast Texas. He is in every sense a business builder, an energizer of latent resources and industry, and one who, in building up and extending private business, has also been a notable contributor and invaluable factor in the general advancement of the community. Harry Frederick Moore was born in Iowa county, Iowa, December 15, 1854, a son of Hamilton and Maria J. (Clark) Moore. The father was a native of Moore's Mills, West Virginia, and the mother of Chillicothe, Ohio. The family is Scotch-Irish, and the Moores were settled in western Virginia during the early period when the Scotch-Irish immigration was the largest and most important factor in the population of that country. Hamilton Moore, the father, was throughout his life a miller, and was a strong and vigorous man of affairs in his community. At an early day he had gone west to Iowa, where his son, Harry F., was born, but became dissatisfied with that country and moved back east and settled at Chillicothe, Ohio, where his son was reared. The parents were married in Virginia. In the paternal ancestry in the direct line is found the name of Daniel Stull, a great-grandfather of the Crockett banker. This Daniel Stull was a colonel in the Continental army, and was killed during the revolutionary war. For his distinguished record as a soldier in the winning of independence, his descendants, including two sisters of Mr. H. F. Moore, are members of the Sons and Daughters of the American Revolution. The parents of Mr. Moore are both deceased, the father having passed away at Chillicothe, Ohio, at the age of fifty-six and the mother in Los Angeles, California, at the age of eighty-two. The mother belonged to a prominent family, her grandfather, Judge Scott, having been secretary of the constitutional convention which formulated the first Ohio state constitution, and he was the writer and transcriber of that document. Of the seven children in the family of the parents Harriet Amanda died at the age of fifty, but the others are all living and their names and situations in life are as follows: Virginia, wife of W. C. Patterson, active vice-president of the First National Bank of Los Angeles; James H., an attorney at Waverly, Ohio; Oscar Stull, connected with the Gas & Light Company of Los Angeles; Harry F. ; Caroline, wife of Alfred Howsen, of the Citizens' National Bank of Chillicothe, Ohio; and Kate Scott Moore, who is a trained nurse in Los Angeles. Mr. H. F. Moore began his career in 1873 as a telegraph operator for the old Marietta & Cincinnati Railroad. He was dependent upon his own ability for his advancement and he has achieved through his own laborsa handsome success which now places him in the front rank among Texas business men. After two years in the railroad service he entered the Eoss County National Bank at Chillicothe and was connected with that institution for seven years. He then organized the Scioto Valley Bank of Kingston, Ohio, and was cashier for seven years. Having sold out his interest in Ohio as a banker, he came to Texas, spending the first eighteen months in Galveston, and then made his permanent location in Crockett. On January 20, 1892, he organized the First National Bank of Crockett and has been identified with this institution ever since and has been a chief factor in its splendid prosperity. He was cashier for some time, but for the past seven years has been its president.

Mr. Moore has enjoyed prosperity in almost every enterprise with which he has ever been connected, and now has a large estate, including farm lands in Houston county, and he is an active producer of the crops of this part of Texas. Every important undertaking in Houston county during the last twenty years has had Mr. Moore 's name and active co-operation. He assisted in the organization of the Houston County Oil Mill & Manufacturing Company, of which he is now president. The ice and light plant at Crockett is another of the enterprises with which he has been associated and he is director in that concern. During the recent movement for good roads and the voting of the large bond issue for improvement of highways, he was a liberal supporter and earnestly advocated this splendid movement for public improvement. Mr. Moore for about ten years served as treasurer of Crockett, and has also formerly been president of the city school board. Mr. Moore married Annie Laura May of Kingston, Ohio, a daughter of John M. May. Their four children are as follows: Donald G., who is secretary-treasurer of the Beaumont Water Company at Beaumont TX; Louise McLean, wife of George McLean of Crockett TX; Harry Frederick, Jr., and Phillip Clark Moore, who are both attending school in Crockett TEXAS. Mrs. Moore is a member of the Presbyterian church. Fraternally Mr. Moore is affiliated with Lothrop Lodge, A. F. & A. M., of which he is Past Master; with Trinity Chapter, E. A. M., of which he is Past High Priest; and Palestine Commandery, K. T."

The obituary omits reporting that he died April 20, 1926.
